Wednesday, November 10, 2010

New Grammar Rules in the Spanish Language

The new content of the “ Grammar Rules of the Spanish Language’, which is the most important source of reference for Spanish speakers, has been recently approved by the “Comisión Interacadémica de la Asociación de Academias de la Lengua Española”

The new edition of the Spanish Grammar does not change the most important rules, but it does include interesting novelties such as:

-- The letter “y” is called now “ye”. In America they should stop calling the “b”, “b alta (tall b)” and the “v” “b baja (short b)”.

This new edition, which the Editorial Espasa will published this Christmas in all Spanish speaking countries. It is an extensive, well-reasoned, and explicit edition, that will be easy to read and understand by anyone with a high school education.
Some of the changes are:

-- Solo (adverb that means “only”) and the demonstrative pronouns (este, ese, esta, esa)will not have the accent anymore.
-- Words like “ Iraq”, “Qatar”, “Quórum” will be written with “K” or “c”, Irak, Catar and cuórum.
-- The prefix “ex” becomes part of the words: exmarido (ex-husband), “exministro (ex-minister), “exdirector” (ex-director).